Who am I?
Last night I had one of my weird dreams again, although I don't see it as a weird one anymore, because I usually ask God about the meaning and I am more than surprised what He tells me about it!
So last night I was following somebody to a place where there seemed to be a secret meeting and I was trying to hide behind a wooden column. The leader of the group saw me before I could hide and asked me to join the group. We all set in a circle and he took out a gun.
I know... sounds weird!
Well, he started telling us how everybody of us belongs to a minority who does not deserve to live.
One after another person he asked a question and if the person answered it with "yes" he shot them. I can only remember one question. He asked a woman if she was from a foreign country. She said "yes" and bang, she was dead.
When he came to me he asked me a different question. "Are you unique?" And I woke up...
The first response in my head was:" So are you!"
For me, that shows how God has changed my thinking! I know who I am, I am everything I need to be in Jesus Christ who became sin for me so I can become the righteousness of God!
But just like God has made me uniquely he has made every single one of us!
Last Sunday we had a presentation about the " I care revolution" in church, a high school program to challenge kids and teenagers to care about the people on their right and left.
If we all care for the people around us we end up being cared for, too! That is what church is all about. The body of Christ caring and sharing for each other, encouraging and loving, challenging and molding.
Then I had to think about Paul when he writes in Philippians 1 that living to him means living for Christ and dying is his gain. So if my life brings more glory to God if I die then I am okay with that. But for now there is still so much to do that I choose to live my life for Christ so my living sacrifice may bring glory to his name and that people may thank God for me while I am just grateful that He loved and chose me first!
What an honour it is to live and serve the living God!
Soli deo gloria!
Know that you are blessed and highly favoured just because of what Jesus has done for you!
More from me soon!
Kirsten Abeke daughter and servant of the Almighty God