Thursday, December 10, 2009

Time to think...

Hey lovely people out there!
I hope you are having a great life! The last few days I have been wondering why we get ourselves so often into situations without using our God given brain and afterward are surprised how that could have happened at all.
For me, I am really concerned how I effect other people and I am sure I do not want to hurt anyone on purpose, still I found myself once again in a situation I did not want to be in, effecting another person in a bad way, while I call myself a child of God but did a bad job in representing him once again!
Sometimes it sucks, to be honest! God loves me so much that He does and has already forgiven me, but I hate it when I have to confess and ask for forgiveness once again for something I think I should have learned by now.
I watched a clip on youtube today and it reminded me of how my life is so based on being accepted for what I do instead of for who I am.
Maybe it is this simple revelation of God’s unfailing love for me, that actually breaks the circle of doing what I don’t want to do in the first place.
His love is based on who I am in His eyes, not what I do! And all because my sin was already punished in Jesus about 2000 years ago, so I don’t have to live this way anymore. I am free to live my life out of the assurance, that even if I fail and make mistakes, He loves me and will lift me up again and put my feet back on solid rock so I can finish the race!
What a faithful God have I! Just think about this for a second…
I can’t stop thanking Him and praising Him for His faithfulness and love and grace! Because even if we are unfaithful He is faithful because He can’t deny himself! The same yesterday, today and forever!
Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Kirsten daughter of the Almighty God